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Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Natural Acne Treatment - You Need To Read About

Natural acne treatments are available and they really do work, read on.

Acne can be a condition that is very difficult to deal with on a daily basis, since it appears right on your face. Even when your acne goes away, you are constantly on the lookout for it and expect it to return any day. These tips can help you gain control over your acne, and make controlling your break outs easier than you ever thought possible.

One natural acne treatment that works really well is to wash your face often keeping your skin clean will help control your break outs. And remember to change your pillow case often; this will also help to keep your skin clean. Remove your make up before going to bed is another way to help prevent a break out wash your face after a workout or any activity that makes you sweaty or your skin oily, sweat combined with skin oil will trap dirt and bacteria.

You might be surprised to learn that you can make natural acne treatments at home. One treatment that gets great results is to mix of banana, avocado and vitamin E concentrated; you can buy vitamin E concentrate at your pharmacy. To make the cream mix a teaspoon of vitamin E ointment, one avocado and half a banana and mix them in a blender. Apply this acne remedy to your face and keep it on for several minutes.

Acne creams are effective in getting rid of acne, but most of them have the same side effect. It makes your skin sunburn ea. So when you use an acne cream, use a good sun block as well. Apply the acne treatment to your skin daily for about a week and you will begin to see noticeable improvement.

Pimples and acne can be hard to get rid of for some people however all is not lost. If you choose a healthy diet and regime you can lessen the problem in most cases if you learn to pick the right types of food.

Natural acne treatments:

To have problem free skin, you need to maintain a good supply of nutrients, oxygen and removal of metabolic wastes.

Organic Green Tea - This tea provides an anti-inflammatory chemical called catechins, which helps to prevent fine lines.

Berries - Blueberries, raspberries, are all rich in phytochemicals that are protective of skin cells. You need to eat the fruit fresh frozen or juice is not as beneficial as the eating the fresh fruit.

Watermelon - Some skin care experts believe that applying watermelon rind to their faces will give them beautiful skin, I have found that to be true, as the pulp of the fruit is a good exfoliate and watermelon is rich in vitamins A, B and C. The fruit has a lot of water which serves to replenish the skin and the gentle caressing action will stimulate lymphatic drainage.

Participate in activities that will reduce your stress levels, a soothing bubble bath, friends that are positive and encouraging, record any negative feeling in a daily journal, watch a movie that makes you laugh, take a day off of work or school.

Light some scented candles such as vanilla or lavender, turn down the lights, the aromatherapy will help relieve any tension or stress you might be feeling. This will help your body fight off infections that could potentially lead to acne.

You can keep acne away for good if you use steps to promote clear skin. Don't give up on gaining control of your acne; follow these tips to get the clear skin you have always wanted.

If you want to see clearer skin in only 3 days then read my exclusive review.Acne is no laughing matter, learn more now!

natural acne treatment

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